If Clause (Type 0 / Type 1) Konu Anlatımı

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If Clause (Type 0 / Type 1) Konu Anlatımı

If Clause konusunun ilk bölümünü bu derste öğreneceksiniz. Devamı için diğer If Clause derslerini de mutlaka izleyin.

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Etkinlik cevapları :

1) If he passes (pass) his exams, his father will buy him a bicycle.
2) If you are (be) cold, wear your coat.
3) If they don’t listen to the teacher carefully, they won’t learn (not / learn).
4) What will you do if don’t find (not/find) the keys.
5) He may finish his project if he works (work) hard.
6) If she drops (drop) the box, you may brake the things in it.

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